姓名 |
性别 |
男 |
出生年月 |
行政职务 |
院长助理 |
学历 |
博士足球竞彩app研究生 |
学位 |
博士 |
专业技术职务及任导师情况 |
学术教授、博士生导师 |
所足彩app在一级学科名称 |
机械工程 |
所足彩app在二级学科名称 |
机械制造及其自动化 |
Advanced Functional Materials、Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces、Lab on a Chip、Scientific Reports、Surface and Coatings Technology、Colloid and Interface Science Communications等期刊审稿人
1. 植介入医疗器械表面改性;
2. 超滑、减阻、抗粘仿生涂层技术;
3. 机电装备设计制造。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于两性离子聚合物刷的介入导管长效抗凝润滑涂层足球竞彩app研究 (52375191),2024.01-2027.12,主持;
2. XX基础科研项目:XXX仿生涂层技术足球竞彩app研究(XXX2023110C092),2024.01-2025.12,主持;
3. 国家重点研发计划“基础科研条件与重大科学仪器研发”重点专项:X射线光电子能谱分析仪(2023YFF0717100),课题五子课题,2023.12-2026.12主持;
4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于微流控技术的生物可降解海藻酸钙微颗粒和微纤维的成型机理及结构控制足球竞彩app研究(519足彩app2),2020.01-2023.12,主持,已结题;
5. 国家重点研发计划:便携式智能心肺生命支持设备足球竞彩app研究(2020YFC1512703),课题三子课题,2020.11-2024.10主持;
6. 山东省泰山学者青年专家项目,2022.07-2025.06,主持;
7. 山东省重点研发计划(JMRH),新一代大船用XXX涂料足球竞彩app研究与应用,2023.07-2026.06,校方主持;
8. 中国博士后科学基金(第67批),2020.07-2022.07,主持,已结题;
9. 工信部机床平台项目,高档数控机床关键材料生产应用示范平台子任务,2021.01-2023.12,主持,已结题;
10. 足彩app青年未来学者项目(第五批),2019.07-2024.06,主持;
11. 企业委托,自动移位机和体发清洗机委托开发项目,2021.05-2021.12,山东中车华腾环保科技有限公司,主持,已结题;
12. 企业委托,基于三轴定位系统的高通量芯片反应控制平台的开发与足球竞彩app研究,2021.09-2022.08,北京擎科生物科技有限公司,主持;
13. 企业委托,硅基微阵列芯片的表面差分功能化工艺足球竞彩app研究,2021.06-2022.05,北京擎科生物科技有限公司,主持,已结题;
14. 企业委托,微流控合成反应器样机,2020.10-2021.12,奥凯仪器(济南)有限公司,主持,已结题;
15. 高校委托,粉体改性及性能测试,2019.12-2020.12,清华大学,主持,已结题;
16. 高校委托,复合结构陶瓷微球烧结及涂层制备,2020.11-2021.11,北京科技大学,主持,已结题;
17. 医院委托,骨质疏松微流控检测芯片足球竞彩app研究,2021.04-2021.12,中国人民解放军北部战区总医院,清华大学,主持,已结题;
18. 医院委托,骨盆髋臼骨折、肩锁关节脱位有限元分析及其增材制造加工测试足球竞彩app研究,2020.12-2021.12,滕州市中心人民医院,主持,已结题;
1. 足彩app青年教师教学比赛一等奖,工科组第一名。
2. 新工科建设背景下的基于案例教学法的 机械制造技术基础课程教学应用足球竞彩app研究,2021.03-2023.03,足彩app,主持;
3. 现代制造装备设计 Modern manufacturing equipment design课程建设,2020.04-2021.08,足彩app,参与;
4. 基于工程训练中心的医工交叉融合人才培养模式与平台足球竞彩app研究,2021.03-2024.03,足彩app,参与;
5. Green manufacturing and remanufacturing(绿色制造和再制造),山东省足球竞彩app研究生教育课程思政示范课程,山东省教育厅,2021,参与。
1. Song X, Man J*, Qiu Y, et al. High-Density Zwitterionic Polymer Brushes Exhibit Robust Lubrication Properties and High Antithrombotic Efficacy in Blood-Contacting Medical Devices[J]. Acta Biomaterialia, 2024, Accept. SCI, IF: 9.7. (Q1, Top期刊, 中科院1区)
2. Song X, Man J*, Qiu Y, et al. Design, preparation, and characterization of lubricating polymer brushes for biomedical applications[J]. Acta Biomaterialia, 2024, 175, 76-106. SCI, IF: 9.7. (Q1, Top期刊, 中科院1区)
3. Ji M, Li J, Li F*, Wang Y*, Man J*, et al. A double cross-linked anisotropic quaternized chitosan/sodium alginate-based wound dressing for rapid drainage of biofluids[J]. Materials & Design, 2024, 237: 112567. SCI, IF: 8.4. (Q1, Top期刊, 中科院2区)
4. Zhang Y, Man J*, Wang J, et al. Surface modification of polyvinyl chloride with sodium alginate/carboxymethyl chitosan and heparin for realizing the anticoagulation[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 254: 127653. SCI, IF: 8.2. (Q1, Top期刊, 中科院1区)
5. Zhang Y, Man J*, Liu J, et al. Construction of the Mussel-Inspired PDAM/Lysine/Heparin Composite Coating Combining Multiple Anticoagulant Strategies. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces[J]. 2023, 15 (23), 27719-27731. SCI, IF: 9.5. (Q1, Top期刊,中科院2区)
6. Ding M, Wang X, Man J*, et al. Antibacterial and hemostatic polyvinyl alcohol/microcrystalline cellulose reinforced sodium alginate breathable dressing containing Euphorbia humifusa extract based on microfluidic spinning technology[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 124167. SCI, IF: 8.2. (Q1, Top期刊,中科院1区)
7. Li Z, Man J*, Wang X*, et al. Biodegradable Sodium Alginate/Carrageenan/Cellulose Composite Hydrogel Wound Dressings Containing Herbal Extracts for Promoting Blood Coagulation and Wound Healing[J]. Macromolecular Bioscience, 2023, 23(1), 2200235. SCI, IF: 4.6. (Q1, 中科院3区)
8. Wang S, Li J*, Li F*, Li J, Zhang C, Ji M, Man J*. Study on the influential effect of different CaCO3 particle sizes on the internal pore structure of starch/fiber foaming composite materials[J]. Materials Today Communications, 2023: 107867. SCI, IF: 3.8. (Q2, 中科院3区)
9. Ji M, Liu X, Li J*, Li F*, Man J*, et al. Comparison of biodegradable chitosan-based composite films reinforced by different micron-sized plant fibers for food packaging[J]. Materials Letters, 2023: 134669. SCI, IF: 3. (Q1, 中科院4区)
10. Hua Z, Man J*, Liu G, et al. Complex Suspended Janus Droplets Constructed through Solvent Evaporation-Induced Phase Separation at the Air-Liquid Interface[J]. Langmuir, 2022, 38 (36), 10994-11002. SCI, IF: 3.9. (Q2, 中科院2区)
11. Ji M, Li J, Wang Y*, Li F*, Man J*, et al. Advances in chitosan-based wound dressings: Modifications, fabrications, applications and prospects[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2022, 297, 120058. SCI, IF: 11.2. (Q1, Top期刊, 中科院1区)
12. Zhang Y, Man J*, Li J, et al., Preparation of the alginate/carrageenan/shellac films reinforced with cellulose nanocrystals obtained from enteromorpha for food packaging[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 218, 519-532. SCI, IF: 8.025. (Q1, Top期刊, 中科院1区)
13. Zhou C, Man J*, Li J, et al., Fabrication of crescent-shaped ceramic microparticles based on single emulsion microfluidics[J]. Ceramics International, 2022, 48(19), 27590-27596. SCI, IF: 5.2. (Q1, Top期刊, 中科院2区)
14. Man J*, Man L, Zhou C, Li J, Liang S, Zhang S, Li J, A Facile Single-Phase-Fluid-Driven Bubble Microfluidic Generator for Potential Detection of Viruses Suspended in Air. Biosensors 2022, 12 (5), 294. SCI, IF: 5.4. (Q1, 中科院2区)
15. Ji M, Li J, Li F, Man J*, et al. A biodegradable chitosan-based composite film reinforced by ramie fibre and lignin for food packaging. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2022, 281, 119078. SCI, IF: 11.2. (Q1, Top期刊, 中科院1区)
16. Man J*, Wang X, Li J, et al. Intravenous Calcium Alginate Microspheres as Drug Delivery Vehicles in Acute Kidney Injury Treatment. Micromachines, 2022, 13(4) 538. SCI, IF: 3.4. (Q2, 中科院3区)
17. 满佳,华泽升,夏荷,李建勇,李方义,李剑峰.微流控技术足彩app在机械工程-生命科学交叉领域的应用[J].中国机械工程. 2022, 33(15): 1857-1868. EI.
18. Xia H, Li J, Man J*, et al. Recent Progress in Preparation of Functional Microparticles Based on Microfluidic Technique. Materials Today Communications. 2021, 29, 102740. SCI, IF: 3.8. (Q2, 中科院3区)
19. Zhou C, Man J*, Yu H, et al. Fabrication of weaved ceramic mesh from green microfibers based on cross-flow microfluidics[J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2021. SCI, IF: 5.7. (Q1, Top期刊, 中科院1区)
20. Zhang J; Li G, Li D, Zhang X, Li Q, Liu Z, Fang Y, Zhang S*, Man J*. In Vivo Blood-Repellent Performance of a Controllable Facile-Generated Superhydrophobic Surface[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(24):29021-29033. SCI, IF: 9.5. (Q1, Top期刊, 中科院2区)
21. Xia H, Li A, Man J*, et al. Fabrication of Multi-Layered Microspheres Based on Phase Separation for Drug Delivery[J]. Micromachines, 2021, 12(6):723. SCI, IF: 3.4. (Q2, 中科院3区)
22. Zhou C, Man J*, Yu H, et al. Fabrication of crescent-shaped ceramic microparticles based on single emulsion microfluidics[J]. Ceramics International, 2021, 47(8), 10866-10872. SCI, IF: 5.2. (Q1, Top期刊, 中科院2区)
23. Zhang S, Wang X, Man J*, et al. Histone-Deacetylase-Inhibitor-loaded Calcium Alginate Microspheres for Acute Kidney Injury Treatment[J]. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2020, 3(9), 6457-6465. eSCI, IF: 4.7.
24. Zhang S, Li G, Man J*, et al. Fabrication of Microspheres from High-Viscosity Bioink Using a Novel Microfluidic-Based 3D Bioprinting Nozzle. Micromachines, 2020, 11, 681. SCI, IF: 3.4. (Q2, 中科院3区)
25. Zhang S, Li J, Li J, Du N*, Li D, Li F, Man J*, Application status and technical analysis of chitosan-based medical dressings: a review[J]. RSC Advances, 2020, 10. SCI, IF: 3.9. (Q2, 中科院3区)
26. Zhang J, Li G, Zhang S*, Man J*, et al. Systematically evaluate the physicochemical property and hemocompatibility of phase dependent TiO2 on medical pure titanium[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2020, 404(4):126501. SCI, IF: 5.4. (Q1, Top期刊, 中科院2区)
1. Man J, Chien S, Liang S, et al. Size‐Dependent Phase Separation in Emulsion Droplets[J]. ChemPhysChem, 2018, 19(16): 1995-1998. SCI, IF: 2.9. (Cover story, Q3, 中科院3区)
2. Chen H, Man J, Li Z, et al. Microfluidic generation of high-viscosity droplets by surface-controlled breakup of segment flow[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(25): 21059-21064. SCI, IF: 9.5. (导师一作, Q1, Top期刊,中科院2区)
3. Man J, Li Z, Li J, et al. Phase inversion of slug flow on step surface to form high viscosity droplets in microchannel[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 110(18). SCI, IF: 4. (Q2, 中科院2区)
4. Man J, Zhang S, Luan X, et al. Residual stresses of α-Al2O3/Ni nano-composite coating prepared by automatic brush plating technique[J]. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 2017, 4: 19-25. SCI, IF: 4.2. (Q1, 中科院3区)
5. Man J, Zhang S, Li J, et al. Effects of electrolyte pH on morphologies and mechanical properties of α-Al2O3/Ni composite coatings and role of zeta potentials in co-deposition process[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2014, 249: 118-124. SCI, IF: 5.4. (Q1, Top期刊, 中科院2区)
1. 满佳,张永琪,宋鑫忠,等.一种多巴胺-肝素复合抗凝涂层及其制备方法:202210590255.2[P].
2. 满佳,张永琪,李建勇,等.基于浒苔提取物的生物可降解薄膜材料及其制备方法与应用:202210165653.X[P].
3. 满佳,李宗耀,张永琪,等.一种含中药提取物的水凝胶医用敷料及其制备方法:202210607307.2[P].
4. 满佳,宋鑫忠, 张永琪,等.一种具有复合水润涂层的聚氨酯材料及其足彩app在介入治疗领域的应用:202210170150[P].
5. 满佳,张永琪,李建勇,等.一种肝素化PVC材料,其制备方法及作为医疗器械的应用:202210078299.7[P].
6. 满佳,周晨晨,武敏,等. 利用微流体芯片的特定尺寸陶瓷微颗粒,其制备装置,制备方法和应用:202110013700.4[P].
7. 满佳,华泽升,李建勇,等. 一种圆台形多孔PEGDA微颗粒的实验制备装置以及方法:202110730263.8[P].
8. 满佳,周晨晨,于海博,等. 一种基于微流体芯片的多孔氧化铝微纤维的制备装置和方法:202110553650[P].
9. 满佳,夏荷,李建勇,等. 一种制备单分散性海藻酸钙微球的装置,方法及应用:202010928034[P].
10. 满佳, 周晨晨, 满录明,等. 基于微流控芯片制备新月形陶瓷颗粒的装置,方法及应用:中国,202010922389.0[P].
11. 满佳, 满录明, 张松,等. 一种单相液体驱动的微流控气泡/液滴制备装置和方法:中国,201911136640.4[P].
12. 满佳, 周晨晨, 满录明,等. 月牙形及其变形陶瓷微颗粒,其制备方法,应用及制备装置:中国,202011163757.4[P].
13. 满佳,张善国,张松,等,一种微反应器制备海藻酸钙微球的装置及方法和应用:中国,0936510.2[P].
1.满佳,华泽升,李建勇,等. 反应合成器温度控制系统V1.0. 2021-04-17, 登记号:2021SR0988268.
2.满佳,满录明,李建勇,等. 反应合成器吸放热预测系统V1.0. 2021-05-11, 登记号:2021SR0988388.
3.满佳,华泽升,李建勇,等. 纳米液滴制备机控制系统V1.0. 2021-04-17, 登记号:2021SR0988659.
1. 中国发明协会发明创新二等奖(第二位),2023年;
2. 山东省机械工业科技进步二等奖(第一位),2022年。